Today we commemorate the precious lives lost 14 years ago on September 11th, 2001. 

As we remind ourselves once again to “Never Forget”, I am convicted in my heart and in my spirit that we have indeed forgotten.

We have forgotten our divine purpose as a nation; for we were to be united; one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Now, we are a people divided; serving ourselves instead of each other; a generation that does not know God and we perishing for lack of knowledge.

Murder, violence, and injustice increase day by day. We are a society spiraling out of control and looking for answers. We seek solutions from our leaders and place our faith in political parties and strategies from the minds of men.

We have lost sight of the only name that can save;  Jesus Christ.

So, in the spirit of Daniel, I come to you Lord with a prayer of confession and intercession for this nation divided:

Lord God, forgive us for we have sinned.

We have done wrong in your sight and turned away from your commandments and laws.

We have not listened to you or your prophets, who you sent to speak to us and our leaders, and we have rejected Your Son, Jesus, over and over again.

We were to love you with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength and to keep your commands; We were to write these words on our hearts that it would be well with us; to teach them to our children and grandchildren so that all generations to come would know you and your ways.

You warned us to be careful that we never forget The Lord Our God, or we would become proud and turn away from you to follow other gods.

Out of your great love, you warned us; yet we have forgotten.

We have forgotten you and become proud and arrogant. As our industry and technology advanced, and our wealth and power increased, we said in our hearts:

“My power and the strength of my hands have made me this wealth.”

We have forgotten that you alone give the power and ability to make wealth.

We have forgotten and have turned from you to follow the gods of this society.

We honor our wealth and success, self-focus and selfish-ambition.

We worship at the altars of sports and entertainment.

We worry for our investments and possessions; but the poor, the helpless, the needy and lost, we have little concern for.

We remember athletes, scores, stats and the amount of money we have in the bank.

We remember those who have insulted or offended us; never forgetting or forgiving their trespasses against us.

But you, Lord, we have forgotten.

Now because we have forgotten you and did not listen or teach our children and grandchildren; this generation does not know you or your commands, and we are perishing for lack of knowledge.

For there is no kindness or compassion in the land; we are self-focused and self-serving.

People’s hearts have grown colder; for every day we see more and more violence, injustice, deception, murder, stealing and adultery.

There is no respect for authority or human life. More and more blood is shed in the streets; day after day.

Therefore, people have grown angrier, more impatient and unforgiving.

This society spirals further out of control; for there is no restraint when you are absent from our hearts, Lord.

Though you are righteous, Lord, we are covered in shame.

We were to be a nation united under God, submitted to your will. We were to stand out among all nations; not for our pride or arrogance, but for our obedience to you, God. You set us apart to be a light in the darkness, a beacon of hope  for the helpless needy and lost; but because we have disobeyed and we did not listen to you, we are now a nation divided.

Because we have disobeyed and become proud, you resist us; for you have said;

God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

But God, you are merciful, compassionate and forgiving and your heart burns for your people. You do not take joy in sending calamity and it is not your will that anyone should perish; so in your mercy you call out to us through your prophets:

“Return to Me, and I will Return to you!
“Draw Near to Me and I will draw near to you!”

But the more you call, the farther we run away.
You discipline us like a loving father disciplines his child, but still we rebel.
So you tear down what we worship instead of worshiping you, but we say in our hearts:

“We will rebuild, We will come back stronger!’

Lord God, turn our hearts back to you that we would forget our pride and arrogance.
That we would turn away from our defiance and rebellion and turn back to you.

Humble us today.

Take away all the idols and obstacles in our hearts and minds that separate us from you.

Show us that the freedom of salvation which you graciously give requires surrender.
Surrendering our will and selfish desires, to follow your will and commands for our lives.

Show us that what we give away, we keep; and what we keep, we lose.

Convict our hearts of what we cling to that displeases you; that we would lay them down on the broad road that leads to destruction and follow you on the narrow road that leads to life.

Show us where we have been serving ourselves, and not serving others.

Open our eyes to your truth that we would see and never forget.

May we never forget to love each other as you love us; with gentleness, kindness, patience, mercy, and compassion.

May we never forget that we make our plans, but you direct our paths.

May we never forget that you resist the proud but give grace to the humble, so that we would surrender the pride in our hearts which has exalted ourselves above you.

May we never forget that  we were called to a divine purpose; to be a light in the darkness to those who seek salvation in You, Lord.

May we never forget that we were to be a nation united under God, submitted to his will and commands, serving You, Lord, and each other.

May we never forget that You alone are God; that there are no other Gods but you.

May we never forget that there is only one way to you; only one way to salvation:
Repent of sin and believe in your Son, Jesus Christ.

Hear this prayer Lord and turn us back to you, and please do not delay; not because we are deserving or righteous, but because you are merciful and the nation that was once united under your name is perishing.

Lord, draw us back to yourself; help us return to You, that you may return to us.

May we never again forget you or your commands.

Repent Believe Persevere